
Welcome to Nichée, where we understand that life as an expat can be challenging, especially when you are far from home. In the midst of the hustle and bustle of expat life, we recognize that there are moments when you need some time for yourself. That's where we come in.

At Nichée, our goal is not only to find the perfect nanny to care for your children but also to make your life here in Amsterdam more comfortable. Our mission goes beyond simply providing babysitting services; we want you and your family to feel at home with us. Our nannies are also equipped with a certificate of good conduct (in Dutch: a VOG).

To support you in creating a new home in the Netherlands, we're building a community where expat families can meet, share experiences, and build valuable connections. Nichée is more than just a babysitting agency; we work together to find the perfect nanny for your family.